May 7, 2009

Visit to my secondary school

A return to my secondary school gives me a feeling of loneliness and warmth. Yes, the framework of this school has not changed, teachers I know allow me to chat with them, but many inside seems to have changed. The beautifully decorated entrance to the school, the new teachers you have come across to (in which they are even more scared talking to you because they have no clue who you are...), the extraordinary behaviour of the kids sticking the finger at the security guard. We used to be very behaved students... where did all these go? But thinking forward, we are sometimes naughty and so, let's forgive them for now...

Yet, 7 years of my life in Hong Kong is in this school and never shall I forget the days when I eat lunch with my school's friends from the McDonald's (it cost only HKD 20 then for a meal!!), how I talked with the teachers so naively and in such a bossy mode, the leads I have taken in so and so societies, and how I played the Kawaii piano or the Yamaha Grand during special events of the school. My memories are there and hopefully people won't forget my presence in all those floors @ Hong Kong Tang King Po College shall never be forgotten because this is my Almar Mater and I shall bring honour to thy name!

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