Mar 1, 2009


Perhaps a week's life in Hong Kong is so fruitful that it's hard to believe that the weekend can go just so quickly. Once you start working, all the appointments go either to post-19:30 or weekends. Indeed it was 2 fascinating weeks already and I don't even have a chance to sleep for more than 8 hours, as with most people should... And voila, today, I was supposed to grant myself 9 hours of sleep but then, here i go waking up 7:45am in the morning, rather than 9! What the heck! Mum says it is a good maintenance of my psychological clock... I guess it is... but not on Sundays please!

This good weekend commenced with my French lesson on French literature (bff!). Then comes Curia Mater Dei presenting their annual report with me chasing the mic and giving the little ones a few comments before I run to catch up Mr and Mrs. Betbeze for a little tour around Hong Kong. Apologies to the madam in the Curia though for I am in such a rude manner to comment in the first hand... silly me just snapped the mic and say "Sorry, I gotta leave, so I will say something first"... I should be slapped on the face indeed! Nevertheless, the day went on with visitation to a place I haven't been to in, I guess, 10 years..., the Museum of Arts. Indeed I get to revise my Chinese History lessons there through the observation of monuments and plates... of course the Cultural Centre, The Peninsula and the Avenue of Stars + the view of Hong Kong Island in the fog was made... Star Ferry was surely the best activity among European tourist (even before the peak!!) ... Then comes the gloomy part where I found my parents were in a dispute but dinner went on well with the the Beetbeze and my parents so it ended up ok (around midnight!!!).

Sunday was a little bit more eased with tutorials in the morning and then off to lunch with my family... fun indeed... loads of discussions but I was absolutely tired. Grocery shopping in Sogo follows with the end in SMC's choir. The commencement of the choir was a very friendly and thorough discussion on the preparation of various activities in the choir but then the wife of the President was smashing things around the room and delivering her grieves to what the conductor has been doing to the choir and luckily, everyone didn't care. I guess we really have to leave it to God to take care of the whole situation as well as those who are about to baptised... but still, what a woman indeed! Man, if you don't like the choir, get the heck out of here! And poor husband as well, man he almost got his hands cut from his wife! Bffffff!!! Dinner of dumplings ended up my day.

And so, here we are... done with a busy weekend. More busy ones are yet to come and not to mention weekdays... man, this is my life in Hong Kong... love it, but really tiring!

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