May 17, 2008

Exam Day 1

So, here I am, facing Day 1 of my exam for my Master's degree. 2 hours passed by quite quickly and I managed to get the questions written and left. "One down, four to go". The more you want to get it gone, the more you think, what is the point of doing all this? A Bachelor degree has it meaning. I suppose a master is present for a reason. Reading all those Orlikowski, Steinmueler, Mansell, Avgerou....... what is the point? Theory background is necessary for me to get the degree though... I suppose. Now, getting the degree should not be a problem, the next step, another degree? Or work? I want the latter to happen at least in London as a start. I don't mind working in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, Paris or the States. My concern is if I can live my life with some more meaning? Was I stubborn enough not to gave went for a year off but I think the Master made it up... the stress is simply exam. Get it through and I am done. Three quarter of my degree is done now... what next...? All those who knows me will know what I want... simply a call saying the two words. Don't get what I meant? Well, ask me then... lol

OK. Life is misery as always during the examination. Maybe I should proceed to some philosophy then. Remember what I say about enjoying life. Well, I discovered that it is difficult for one to sustain in a mode at a certain point of time. The issue is, it balances off your fears and your madness. I think this is something I learnt well in London. What else did I learn? Well, don't make me say it... Steinmueller, Avgerou, Mansell... (names of authors)... well, nah... Japanese, French (language-wise), a whole bunch of friends holding various views... other than that... London per se is an education tool... now I think I have gained enough... time to say "I am working in ______ now" and maybe start paying tax.

Another funny thing is looking back at Wet Match. One year for me is really a huge difference. Unbelievable indeed. Just looks as if it is time to treasure everything again. May-June is always these time, I must say... enjoy life!

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